Membership Registration Opens For New Members On Jan 1st, 2025 -->


New Member Forms Are Available From Jan 1st Until Membership Limit Is Reached

You must be an NRA Member to join and maintain membership in The Chambersburg Pistol and Rifle Club. Applicants must supply proof of NRA membership regardless of your NRA member status i.e.: a copy of your NRA card or mailing label from the NRA magazine you receive.

If you are not currently an NRA member, you can join using the link available below by clicking the Join NRA logo.

Membership fees are as follows:

Renewal You must be a current member = $55.00

Applications sent after 12/31 of the current year will incur an additional $10.00 late fee

New Member $55.00 plus a one time $70.00 initiation fee = $125.00

Please remit appropriate fees and applications to:
Chambersburg Pistol and Rifle Club
PO Box 641
Chambersburg, PA 17201

You will not receive your membership card until we have a completed application and we are in receipt of your application fee.

***All new applicants are required to take a range tour. One will be scheduled for you when your completed paperwork is processed.