Training Classes Now Available

  • submitted 1/27/2022

We now have training classes available for anyone who would like to learn more about shooting, safety, maintenance and increase their overall knowledge on firearms. Please refer to the Training page located in the events section.

Range Rules

  • submitted 9/18/2019

The range rules have been updated. Please take a moment to read and familiarize yourself with them -> rules. Any questions please reach out to the board of directors or submit it through the contact section on the website. Be safe, shoot straight and have fun.

July Regional & Keystone Cup AP Match

  • submitted 1/19/2020

The program and entry forms for both the July 18th & July 19th Regional & Keystone Cup Action Pistol matches have been placed on the matches website page. There is also a list of motels for those participates traveling from out of town. Good luck to all that enter.

Congratulations To Our 2023 Regional & Keystone Cup Winners 

  • submitted 11/5/2023

PA Regional Winner Walter Johnson (USAMU) & Keystone Cup Winner Bruce Piatt


Why You Should Compete at State and Regional Tournaments

  • submitted 10/3/2015

Check out this article posted in the women's outdoor news by Vera Koo on why you should compete at state and regional shooting tournaments. 

Click here for a link to the article

Updated NRA Basic Training Schedule

  • submitted 11/9/2022

The NRA Basic Pistol training class that was scheduled Nov. 5th was cancelled. Dan set aside the reschedule date of November 19th Saturday. If you were registered for the original class you are still scheduled for the make up class.

If you have missed all of the classes this year, this will be another chance for you to signup for the last class of the year. See additional information under the Events > Training tab.

Membership Registration Is Closed -->


Updated Meetings Times & AP Cost

  • submitted 3/12/2022

Club meetings will have a new start time of 6:00pm for all meetings. This has been adjusted from the old 6:45pm start time.

Monthly NRA Action Pistol matches have increased in price from $15 to $20.

How to prepare for a shooting competition

  • submitted 10/10/2014

Check out CPRC's Honorable Mention in this article "How to prepare for a shooting competition" posted by Vera Koo.

Click here for a link to the article

Action Pistol Range Video

  • submitted 9/5/2022

Check out this awesome video showcasing how an action pistol match is completed. Thank you to those of you that created and posted the video.

Click Here To Download The AP Range Video

Range Members

  • submitted 10/27/2018

New & Existing members with the new year upon us and membership being filled. Please remember to follow all safety signs on the grounds, be courtesy and polite to your fellow shooters and follow all club rules. Lets continue to make 2018/2019 a safe, accident free year. Thank you for your support, CPRC Officers & Board of Directors.